Дом - Продукты - Смесительная машина - Laundry Detergent Shampoo Bath Cream Body Lotion Detergent Hair Color Processing Machine Emulsifying Machine Mixing Machi

Laundry Detergent Shampoo Bath Cream Body Lotion Detergent Hair Color Processing Machine Emulsifying Machine Mixing Machi

Laundry Detergent Shampoo Bath Cream Body Lotion Detergent Hair Color Processing Machine Emulsifying Machine Mixing Machine
Конфигурация продукта

PERFORMANCES AND FEATURES◭The all-round wall scraping mixing adopts the frequency converter for speed adjustment , so that highquality products of different processes according to customer requirements.◭The diversified high-speed homogenizer can powerfully mix solid and liquid raw materials and can rapidly dissolve manyindissoluble materials such as AES , Эза , LSA , и т. д.. during the liquid detergent production process so as to save energy consumpionand shorten production period.◭The pot body is welded by imported three-layer stainless steel plate. Корпус резервуара и трубы принимают полировку рукавица , whichfully conforms to GMP requirements.◭According to customer requirement , Танк может нагревать и прохладные материалы. Нагревание, включая нагревание пар и электричество. Легко разряжать , нижний прямой разряд или переносным насосом.


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