Guanyu Three Dimensional Movement mixer 3D Powder Mixing Machine Three-dimensional Motion Mixer Powder With Tiny Granule Mixer
Description des produits
Main application:
During running the mixing vat has a multidirectional operation that speeds up the flowing and diffusing ofmaterials. It also avoids the gravity segregation and accumulation phenomenon of other general mixers caused by centrifugal action. Therefore, this machine has highly efficient mixing capabiolities. Working principle :
1. As the mixing vat is multidirectional, there are more mixing points involved. The mixing homogeneity is muchhigher than that of a general mixer and drug homogeneity error is lower than that of general mixers. The max charging volume of the SH series three dimensional motion mixer is one time higher than that of general mixer (max charging volume of a general mixer is 40% of full barrel volume). 2. It has a unique mixing vat design, the inner walls of which are fine polished. There is no dead angle, no contamination and the materials are discharged automatically under gravity function without any residue. 3. The materials are mixed in a completely sealed vat.
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