Company News

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High-quality cosmetic production line ready to be shipped to Korean customers

Our Korean customer ordered the entire cosmetic production line: including vacuum emulsifying machine, sealed vacuum stirring pot, آله التعبئة, آلة السد, storage tank, conveyor belt, إلخ. It is used in the production of shampoo, shower gel, منظف, كريم, غسول, إلخ. We help customers design the design scheme of the whole plant equipment assembly line. نحن […]

High-quality cosmetic production line ready to be shipped to Korean customers اقرأ المزيد »

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Detergent Production Line Ready To Be Shipped To Sri Lanka

With our professional and outstanding team, our machines are sold to various countries around the world. One of the most memorable things is that our Sri Lankan customer ordered a set of liquid detergent production line in our company. S & D Chemicals Associate is our partner company. This is a company that specializes in

Detergent Production Line Ready To Be Shipped To Sri Lanka اقرأ المزيد »


Water treatmentmixing machinefilling and capping the whole production line ready to send the whole cabinet to Aust

Customers in Australia have ordered from us, suitable for the entire production line of cosmetic daily necessities: including from water treatmentstorage tankmixing machinerotary pump – آله التعبئة – capping machine Our products are of high quality and excellent performance, which has won the trust of domestic and foreign customers.

Water treatmentmixing machinefilling and capping the whole production line ready to send the whole cabinet to Aust اقرأ المزيد »

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